Here we are...3 months! (two weeks late on this update...whoops!) (also I don't have time to proofread these so disregard any grammatical errors :) )
Everyone kept saying just make it to 3 months and it will get easier! Thankfully it has gotten easier but we still have some tough days.
She's about 13lbs and who knows how long. She is too big for some of her 3 month outfits already. I failed and didn't put her in most before her turning three months so now we may only get to wear an outfit once. Oh well! I learned my lesson there.
I am doing better emotionally....big reason for that is below! And sleep...sleep helps! :)

Are we getting to the sweet spot? I hope so! Not that she’s not sweet because she is but she’s also learning how to throw tantrums already 🤣 But who would ever know with that cute face!

One of the biggest things that happened this month was the decision for me to not return to my office job and instead work from home. This was such a huge blessing. I was having lots of anxiety about sending Louella to daycare and now I don’t have to. 🙌🏼 Grandmas help out here and there if I have shoots during the week which is great. I also get to watch the sweetest little almost 1 year old a few days a week. Her and Louella are going to be great friends!

I am so thankful for my husband, who suggested this change, his hard work on getting promotions last year and also for all of my photography clients. I have worked hard to get my business to where it is today and I am SO THANKFUL to have that to provide for my family while also able to raise our daughter and work from home. I will NEVER take this time for granted. Also so thankful to Leonas mama and dad for trusting me with their sweet girl. We sure love having her!

We love this little girl so much, but I would be lying if I said I was sad three months went by so fast. The first three months are HARD! I don't believe anyone who says that they absolutely love the newborn stage. They are liars haha! It's hard. Yes, I LOVE the snuggles but's the hardest job i've ever had. I am thankful things are getting better and sleep is becoming a thing! ;)

Happy 3 months little Louella. We sure love you!